Monday 25 November 2013

An Autumn Walk

Little Roo had far too many beans in his legs this Sunday.  So we quickly grabbed a coat and some wellies and set off.
We are so lucky that behind our house is a big wooded hill with many little paths and different routes that you can take.

 Which is perfect for the little ones as we are not always doing the same 'walk'!
The colours were still amazing, even though lots of leaves have fallen.

A lovely walk, with my little boy and our sticks - well you need a stick when you go for a walk don't you?!
I do love Autumn as a season.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Preparation has begun . ..

The beginnings of something.   Ideas are taking shape, purchases have been made, preparations are underway.

Monday 18 November 2013

Memory Cushion

It was my mum's special birthday party at the weekend, special because we are not mentioning the age . . . but here's a clue . . .

My talented sister made the amazing cake, along with sugar paste buttons!
We had ummed and aahhed about what present to get mum.  We bought her a Sat Nav because map reading has never been her forte but we thought we needed something more personal to her.  She is really into making quilts (this was the one she made Flopsy Bunny last year) so I suddenly remembered Rachel Rabbit's blog post about making a memory quilt for her Nana.  Well as I only came up with this idea two months before the party I thought it was better on a smaller scale and so we'd have a memory cushion instead!  I was really chuffed that everyone in the family rose to the challenge and it was really exciting receiving the squares back when they were finished - each one very different!!  Then it was just a case of sewing them all together and making the cover.  Mum was really thrilled with it and everyone had enjoyed making their squares too - so a really good group project.
It has also kicked started my crafting again.  You might have noticed that not much crafting has been going on recently . . . well renovations and other life issues have got in the way.  But I'm now back in the groove and just in time as Christmas is looming fast.  Making the cushion has also inspired the Little Ones.  Flopsy Bunny has decided she is going to be a fashion designer and has been drawing out her designs and which I've got to try and help her turn into something she can wear!!  We started with a white t-shirt that I let her draw on in fabric dye pens.  Not to be out done Little Roo had a go too, but instead of letting him loose on a t-shirt I gave him a square of white fabric to draw on and then I'll sew it onto a t-shirt for him!  Watch out there's no stopping them now!!


Thursday 14 November 2013

Half Term in Pictures

It was a rather bracing and windy holiday but we had some amazing bright days in Normandy.

Lots of history which went completely over the little one's heads!!


 Gorgeous beaches to stomp about on in wellies and warm coats.

We all came back windswept, slightly queasy from the crossing but feeling alive!  It's amazing what the sea can do to one's sense of well-being!