Thursday, 21 March 2013

Knitters beware of Sleeping Beauty

I have often wondered why knitting gets such bad press.  It is often seen as something old fashioned, something your granny does and despite the upsurge in crafting and 'famous' people who knit, there are still some negative images associated with knitting.
It wasn't until I was watching the English National Ballet's version of Sleeping Beauty - a birthday treat for Flopsy Bunny, that it suddenly dawned on me that the story of Sleeping Beauty had a lot to do with this image of knitting.  There on stage were three dancers portraying women knitting, it was quite humorous in some ways, they were captured and bought before the king who was about to order for them to be executed because they were knitting, but then was persuaded to show leniency.  This is what we grow up with, tales of knitting, cursed spinning wheels being sinister and used by witches - no wonder knitting is often seen negatively!  Maybe a new ending to that story is needed where a lady who knits takes back her spining wheel and breaks the curse?!  Other possible endings gratefully received!

On to a recent finished project of mine, a Fairy Queen's necklace, which was based on this pattern which I adapted to make more holey as the original necklace was knitted using wire.  I will dig out my modifications and write them up for a future post!

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