Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sunshine and Renovations

The sun has finally arrived, hip hip horray!  Oh how it has been missed and it has sent us scurrying around for summer clothes and sun hats.

We had our first picnic lunch and ate our supper outside too at the weekend.  There is was a real need to make the most of it while it lasts!  Meanwhile, inside, its full steam ahead as our airing cupboard was taken down to make way for a new shower in the bathroom.
It was fun and games for a couple of days when we didn't have a bathroom wall and the children thought it was hilarious to walk through 'the wall' rather than the door.  Since having children privacy has become a bit of a luxury so a lack of wall wasn't really an issue.  Luckily we didn't have any visitors those days . . .!

I'm hoping to show you some more finished photos soon.  We do now have a wall, much to my relief and the little ones disappointment.  Although I have to say there are advantages to open-plan bathrooms!  It is certainly easier to keep an eye on the little ones while they are in the bath and you do a few jobs!

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