I love new beginnings ... there is something about that mix of excitement, expectation, trepidation and unknowing that makes life new and wonderful again. That is how I feel right now with so many new beginnings starting their course it seems my life will be taking a new direction and I'm not sure where it is going.
This blog is a case in point. I am launching myself 'out there' wondering what this blog will turn into and how it will develop. Will I be dedicated and post regularly or will it wither into the ether? I'm hoping to record a year of my crafty endeavors and hope to get some inspiration from you. Although with the imminent arrival of baby number 2 (another new beginning) I am going to need lots of inspiration or is that sleep?!
My nesting instinct has well and truly kicked in and I am knitting like mad, the only question is what next, shall I opt for felted slippers for flopsy bunny (my rabbit obsessed daughter?) or something for the baby? There is some pink Rowan Yarn in my stash pile calling out for slippers and after the success of my last felting project I feel gun ho to felt again. So there we are - decision made - will start the slippers tonight (already have the pattern thanks to Ravelry and Midnattsol's blog ). I'll let you know how they turn out...
Welcome to blogland :) Look forward to reading more. Have mentioned you on Planting Words (http://www.plantingwords.com).