Sunday 15 March 2009

Spring is on the way and I'm back!

I feel a bit like a spring plant/flower at the moment; tentatively pushing up and out into space and light after a winter hibernation. Not that I've been hibernating, but my life has been turned upside down - in the nicest possible way - by Little Roo. Three months on and I feel like some semblance of normality is returning. Unfortunately making things is still a bit tricky, especially as Little Roo doesn't do much sleeping in the evening - my prime making time. But that doesn't mean my creative side has taken a back seat. Instead I have been gathering ideas and inspiration for projects to do when I've got time.

The concept of time changes when you have a newborn. Things that you could normally do quite quickly take a lot longer and you are forever having to put something down before finishing it. I have been trying to make some little booties for Little Roo as he seemed to have very cold feet, they are also quite big so I think it takes longer for his blood to get all the way down there to warm them up. Anyway, what with the cold feet and all the snow we had a pair of knitted booties seemed a great idea. I found a lovely Debbie Bliss pattern and decided to use up some of my left over wool. Unfortunately what would normally have taken me 2 evenings or possibly 3 to make ended up taking months and then of course Little Roo kept growing. So as fast (or slow) as I made one, he had grown out of it before I could start the next one. I have three booties, all in differing sizes and have now given up - especially as the weather is much warmer now. I'm just hoping there's a baby to give them to next winter - when I've made the matching pairs that is!


  1. Congratulations on the new baby! I always say I wish I were a knitter when my daughter was a baby, but I have since realized that it didn't matter because I'd never of finished anything anyway!

    ria - tonyfan4ever on ravelry

  2. Thanks Ria - yes knitting for a baby is great because it's usually so quite and the outfits are so cute
